Cultural Resource Planning and Management
The New England cultural landscape we experience today evolved slowly over 10,000 years of human habitation and development. That evolution continues, but its speed now threatens the very quality of life that has continued to attract people to settle in this region.
The challenge for New England residents and businesses is to solve the balancing of resource protection and appropriate economic development in an environmentally and fiscally sound way.
Our focus is helping clients seize this moment in time to make our communities better than ever. Identifying, researching, documenting, and evaluating cultural and historic resources are the methods utilized. Partnerships enable clients to help contribute to a regional vision that allows all of us to live and work in neighborhoods that are uniquely livable.

Cultural Resource Planning offerings:
Architectural documentation of existing structures/sites
Archival documentation of existing structures/sites
Historic resource surveys and eligibility determinations
National Register of Historic Places Nominations
National or Local Historic District Nominations
Cultural Landscape Reports
Community Preservation Plans
Main Street Revitalization Program coordination
Façade and signage program coordination
Historic American Building Survey Documentation
Historic Structures Report
Historic Property Feasibility Studies
Investment Tax Credit for income producing buildings
Massachusetts Preservation Project Funds coordinator
Section 106 Mitigation
Expert Witness Testimony
Grant application assistance
Historic Burying Grounds